Region: Poconos, PA

River/Stream CFS Ht °F Cond Now Sun Mon Sr/Ss
Bush Kill
Not Found
72↑ 1.7 69 Edit
87 62
86 64
Brodhead Creek
Not Found
36↑ 1.7 68 Edit
88 62
87 64
Brodhead Creek
Not Found
174– 0.9 0 Good
90 63
89 65
Brodhead Creek
Not Found
36↑ 1.7 68 Edit
88 62
87 64
East Branch Delaware River
Not Found
907– 5.2 62 Edit
86 60
86 62
West Branch Delaware River
Not Found
872↓ 3.5 57 Edit
84 60
84 62
Fishing Creek
Not Found
180– 2.4 0 Good
90 63
90 66
Lackawanna River
Not Found
120– 2.2 0 Edit
86 63
86 65
Lackawaxen River
Not Found
206– 2.3 71 Edit
86 61
84 63
Lehigh River
Not Found
473– 2.7 0 Edit
90 64
88 66
Lehigh River
Not Found
304– 3.6 69 Edit
84 62
84 63
Lehigh River
Not Found
93↑ 0.8 68 Edit
85 60
84 62
Pine Creek
Not Found
191– 1.5 0 Good
89 62
90 64
Pocono Creek
Not Found
19↑ 9.1 0 Low
89 63
88 65
Pohopoco Creek
Not Found
36↓ 3.2 66 Edit
88 64
87 65
Pohopoco Creek
Not Found
37↑ 2.7 51 Edit
89 65
87 66
Swiftwater Creek
Not Found
8↑ 0.7 0 Edit
86 63
84 64
Tunkhannock Creek
Not Found
17↑ 1.4 0 Edit
83 61
82 62


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  • We are asked frequently who designed RiverBoss? Aetomic Digital Marketing in Cleveland,Ohio is our digital marketing agency. Aetomic provides us with the visual design and web application developme...

  • USGS Changes Coming 2016 August 07

    The USGS, the source for RiverBoss river data, will be making changes in how it delivers information to consumers and applications. These changes will likely not effect RiverBoss, but we will conti...

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