We are asked frequently who designed RiverBoss? Aetomic Digital Marketing in Cleveland,Ohio is our digital marketing agency. Aetomic provides us with the visual design and web application development services that power RiverBoss. Thanks Aetomic!
Created at
2019 August 06
The USGS, the source for RiverBoss river data, will be making changes in how it delivers information to consumers and applications. These changes will likely not effect RiverBoss, but we will continue to monitor for service issues.
From the USGS:
Changes are coming this summer to USGS water data. For most users, the changes will be minor or unnoticeable. Advanced users and data analysts should read on to understand how changes to some data fields and calculations could affect their work. Users who write or maintain software that uses these water data should read on.
These changes result from improvements to the underlying National Water Information System software used to collect, validate, quality-assure and store USGS water d...
Created at
2016 August 07